Saturday, January 2, 2016



A search of ultimate self itself is meditation and it crowns when ultimate balance is being insight. But there is only realization flowing in effortless rhythm and this natural balance of realization is just miraculous ecstasy. Because there; happening is authentic essence as psyche (consciousness) of flowing realization. And it is in actual fact awareness; means wholesome, hearty, authentic consciousness as realization.
This ultimate seeking out of such state is identifying "Zen". The view point of Zen that "the mind is freed from bondage to all thought forms, visions, objects and images" often is corresponding in this world. Because these are only the penetrating-result of individual self-identity and which, if truth be told, is already a figment of imagination.




Mother House World is fastest growing "HOMEMADE FOOD & TIFFIN SERVICES" that helps those who require hygienic & healthy food nearby locations. It's an affecting decision and as a result we are being together and day by day growing a world with healthy vision at 'Mother House World'. We provide you "HEALTHY FOOD" with great taste search in the direction of make possible in your decision making. We will help out you based on your liking... Everyone will be happy to eat 'MOTHER HOUSE WORLD'S lunch & dinner often.
MOTHER HOUSE WORLD is an Indian food delivery service, a divine association to serve divine food. You call a day in advance or more and place your order. Lunch tiffin include a curry vegetable, a dry vegetable, 4 chapatis, rice, and salad, the selection rotates daily; its pure vegetarian lunch & dinner. The food is home made, great taste, fresh and less greasy than the usual restaurant food -- more like homemade...


Mother House World is fastest growing 'Property Management Company' that helps connect for Rent, Sale & Purchase to buyers and sellers of real estate. Property buying for financial and emotional decision, we provide you with the very convenient property search to make possible in your decision making. Whether you wish to buy or rent properties or grounding to take a paying guest accommodation, our search will help out you based on your liking. More, you can desire the search results and make out new / existing properties that congregate the expectations.
Thanks a ton. Warm Welcome! Just make a call or Contact us- 
Mob.: +91 9582059930/ +91 7838115877

The human species' use of technology began with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools. 
The pre-historical discovery of the ability to control fire increased the available sources of food and 
the invention of the wheel helped humans in travelling in and controlling their environment. 
Recent technological developments, including the printing press, the telephone, and the 
Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on 
a global scale. However, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes; 
the development of weapons of ever-increasing destructive power has progressed throughout history, 
from clubs to nuclear weapons.

Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. In many societies, 
technology has helped develop more advanced economies (including today's global economy) and 
has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products, 
known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, to the detriment of Earth's environment. 

Various implementations of technology influence the values of a society and new technology often 
raises new ethical questions. Examples include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of 
human productivity, a term originally applied only to machines, and the challenge of 
traditional norms.
We are providing customized web design services to our clients.
The design of your website should plays a major role in customer acquisition and
retention, which generate sales and grow your business.
That`s why at first we spend most of our time to understand your needs, define the problem and
than design the best possible solution we can.

We understand that all company have a unique requirement and
specifications when it comes to web designing.
Our responsibility is to project that requirement and deliver a distinctive look to your website.
Our designing team ensures that your website is rich in content, informative, user friendly.


A group of expert working together in Mother House as a Software Engineer to 
produce the best quality product using their specialization in software field. 
We develop user-friendly, cost-effective and flexible applications with interfaces, robust, easy to 
maintain and also provide services throughout. 
We always provide customized software solutions to our clients that will meet their 
specific business requirements. We have a standardized software development methodology which 
helps us provide cost-effective and efficient software solutions.
A group of expert working together in Mother House as a Software Engineer to 
produce the best quality product using their specialization in software field. 
We develop user-friendly, cost-effective and flexible applications with interfaces, robust, easy to 

maintain and also provide services throughout. We always provide customized software solutions to 
our clients that will meet their specific business requirements. 
We have a standardized software development methodology which helps us provide cost-effective and 
efficient software solutions.

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PREVAIL!: Essential to survival, seeds have profound spiritual implications. 
For centuries the planting of seed in the earth not only nourished humanity, 
but also symbolized the mystery of life and the journey of the soul. 
Inspired by sages around the world since ages. The wisdom of life in traditions, 
ancient and modern traditions to remind the world of the profound sacredness of 
the seed—how in its purity, it is the source and renewal of all of life. 
For centuries the planting of the seed in the earth not only nourished humanity, 
but also symbolized the mystery of life and the journey of the soul. 
Yet, modern culture has begun to lose an appreciation of the primal meaning of 
the seed. Tenderly meditate the mystics, existing nature just being within witness, 
the witness that the Earth is alive, and establishes that only by working together with 
the earth—with its wonder and mystery—can we help in its healing and 
regeneration and once again bring meaning back into the world.
We view immigration as being hugely positive for great moment in life, 
just a blessed journey and use our professional experience to make a path for them. 
We are confident we can obtain the real meaning, genuine way to 
celebrate the world together. We believe in expertise at work and 
so have different departments for help relations to make sure each of you are treated as 
an individual and with due amount of respect and 
confidentiality. Our consultants leave no stone unturned in our quest to ensure for 
fulfilment they are entitled to. We believe and sure the long term relationship built on 
trust, mutual respect and our outstanding service.



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